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Marketing is important...
...but there are already 101 things on your to-do list.
And they are all important too!

So How Do You Optimize Your Marketing?

Handle Everything Yourself?

That's fine if you have very little on your plate.
But if you're pretty swamped already... this isn't a viable option.

New Staff?

Hire an Agency?

Don't have a marketing budget of tens of thousands of dollars? Then your account could end up being managed by the intern of the assistants' assistant.
Not exactly optimal.

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New Staff?

Finding good people isn't easy.
Training and onboarding staff is costly.
And even if you do find the perfect man or woman for the position... you're still depending on one person!

Hire an Agency?

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Aug 2, 2024 - By Arno Wingen

Mass Marketing Doesn’t Work. Do This Instead:

Quick question: who’s your ideal customer?A lot of business owners answer that question with a variation of:‘Anyone with a pulse and the money to pay me’.Two problems with that:It doesn’t narrow things down a lot.It only works if you have an unlimited marketing budget.If we’re trying to reach everyone that fits that description then a couple hundred million dollars are a nice start for our marketing campaign.But what if you’re working with a marketing budget that’s less than the GDP of a small African country?Well, this article is for you!Why Carpet Bomb Marketing Doesn’t WorkWe all grew up looking at mass marketing. Coca Cola, McDonalds, Apple. These companies are so omnipresent that it’s almost hard to imagine a world without them.Then we start our company. And we realize that we lack the means of marketing like Coca Cola. We simply don’t have the budget to saturate the market with our message.Carpet bombing your slogan or your logo doesn’t work unless you’re a billion dollar business. It’s also not the way that any of these big brands started out.In fact, I’d bet good money that every big brand you know started by using the same mechanism.They crafted an RSO. A Rock Solid Offer. An offer that directly spoke to their ideal clients. The people they identified as perfect customers for their product or service.Effective marketing hinges on that concept and that concept alone. Are you able to get your RSO in front of the right people?Dynamite Marketing With Your RSOI saw a documentary recently about a thing called ‘blast fishing’ or ‘dynamite fishing’. Some people (I believe it was in Tanzania) figured out that fishing was a whole lot easier if you just chucked a stick of dynamite into the water.Dynamite goes off, fish get killed or dazed by the blast, you just scoop them up. No need for fishing lines or bait or any of that stuff.That’s what an RSO will do for you in your market. Not only will your ideal clients be magnetically attracted to your message, if your offer is solid you’ll also attract the people that are thinking about it, playing with the idea, considering it. So you’ll scoop up ALL the fish.So how do you put together an RSO? Let’s talk about that in the next post.Talk soon,ArnoP.S. If you want to know how I would implement an RSO in your business, feel free to get in touch. Fill out the form HERE and one of my team members will be in touch to see if we’re a good match.

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Aug 1, 2024 - By Arno Wingen

Why You Should Always Be Thinking About New Ads

“Heyyyyyy, what’s new with you!?”Pretty common way to greet someone when you haven’t seen them for a while.Notice that we don’t ask:“Hey, what’s old?”or“Hey, tell me what I already know”.We ask what’s NEW. Because ‘NEW’ is exciting! And that’s exactly why we as business owners can never rest on our laurels.Why Ad Fatigue Is The REAL PandemicSocial media is awesome in a lot of ways. Easy access to our target market, great potential to go viral, and it’s never been easier to get in front of the perfect prospect for our business.But……Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuutt……there are downsides.First and foremost - attention span. We all know the TikTok brain phenomenon that’s going on in real time. Kids unable to watch movies, concentrate on homework, or even watch a video that’s more than 90 seconds.I wish that didn’t affect us but it really does. All of our clients have reduced attention span. Not because they want to. Because they NEED to.How else are you going to deal with ads machine gun firing at you 24/7/365? It’s impossible!So how do we fix this?Don’t worry, I won’t ask you to do any TikTok dancing.There’s a better way.How To Keep Your Prospect IntriguedThe solution to TikTok brain and shortened attention span is not to just turn all of your content and information into easily digestible cat food chunks of 60 seconds or less.The solution is to offer your prospect a LOT of different content.Don’t give them 1 video. Give them 10.Don’t give them 1 article. Give them 100.Don’t give them 1 tweet. Give them 1000.If a prospect is really interested in your stuff they’ll do their own research. But there has to be some sort of depth to it.They’ll go through your materials. They’ll steel themselves and make it through your content.But it’s up to you to give them a buffet of options. Not just 1 dish.So if you’re running 1 ad now? It’s time to do at least 3 different ones.If you have 1 video for them to see in your retargeting campaign? It’s time to do 5-10 other ones.Now go out there and be fruitful. With your content, obviously. Or be fruitful another way as well. It’s all good, I’m sure you’re a responsible adult.Talk soon,ArnoP.S. If you want to know how I would fix the ad fatigue problem in your business, feel free to get in touch. Fill out the form HERE and one of my team members will be in touch to see if we’re a good match.

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May 5th, 2024 - By Arno Wingen

One Simple Step To Easily Write High Performing Ads For Your Business

If you’re looking for a way to make your ads more effective, capture more attention and get you more clients… this article will show you exactly that.I vividly remember writing my first ad. I hated every second of it.You know what the worst part was? My boss gave me the job to write that ad because I had just spent three years in business school studying economics, majoring in marketing and sales.We analyzed the biggest and most successful companies in the world. But when I tried to use that knowledge to write an ad for our local business… I had no idea how to do it!Looking at that blank page I realized I was in over my head. And the longer I sat there, the more stupid I felt.

The Secret Reason Why Most Ads Don’t Perform

So I did some research to find the formula.Some sources told me to use a cute baby animal in my ad. Others said that wasn’t professional.Some sources told me to repeat my message again and again. Others said repetition annoys people and makes them NOT buy from you.With the deadline rapidly approaching I took a shortcut. I looked at the ads of our competitors and did roughly the same. Like copying your classmate’s homework and changing it up slightly so it’s not an exact copy.I showed it to my boss, he said it was OK and we ran the ad.A few days go by and I don’t hear anything about the results. So I asked my boss what the ad results were. He seemed slightly confused by the question:“Uhhh… what do you mean ‘results’?”“The results from the ad we ran. Did we make any sales from it? Did many people call in?” I asked him.My boss smiled, leaned back and said:“Nooooo, Arno. That’s not how ads work! This ad was for brand name recognition. Top of mind awareness. It’s all about branding, you know?”I played it cool and said: “Sure, I understand”.That was a lie. Because I didn’t understand at all how those things got us more sales.And now, almost 20 years later, I’ll let you in on a little secret: I was lying to my boss. But he was also lying to me.Because he had no idea what he was talking about either.

Fixing Your Marketing

When we spend money on something we measure the result.Doesn’t matter if we're spending money on equipment, lunch or vendors - we make sure that we get what we pay for, right?When I started my own business I tried to do the same with marketing. Instead of results I got wordsalad.‘Well, this ad is for brand name recognition’‘We’re focused on top of mind awareness in our market’‘This campaign is set up to solidify our branding and brand positioning’This is usually said in a slightly condescending tone designed to make you feel dumb for even asking the question.Here’s the ugly truth:“Most businesses throw away at least half of their marketing budget. Maybe even more than half.”And that just didn’t sit right with me

How I Stopped Throwing Money Away…...And How You Can Do The Same

I decided to get to the bottom of this and figure out the formula for effective marketing.The good news? There was a formula and I figured it out.The bad news? It took years and years of study, puzzling pieces together, testing it and using trial and error to figure out what actually worked.If I had to write out all the elements of the formula we would be sitting here for weeks, so let me give you one of the best shortcuts I found.Some might recognize it as ‘Pearson’s Law’.“What is measured, improves.”Want to immediately and dramatically increase ad results?Make them measurable by adding a response mechanism. A call to action in every ad that asks the prospect to do something.And then you monitor that action like a hawk.Now you can measure. Test. Figure out what works and what doesn’t.One of the first things I do when I start working with a client is implement this simple rule:“Every ad we run needs to be measurable, no exceptions.”No more jargon. No more vague marketing gobbledygook. Measurable, tangible, solid results.There’s plenty of ways to do this and it’s doable for every single business, yours included. If you want to know how we would do this in your business, get in touch with us today.

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